Monday, May 19, 2008

I Just Learned Something

Note to self: when the cat on your lap is the one who likes to headbutt you when she wants a cuddle, do NOT attempt to take a sip of hot coffee.


Kim Ayres said...

My brother learned the hard way not to put a cat in a cheap cat box in the back of the car, as it will find it's way out, leap on your lap and ig it's claws in. And while you are screaming and dragging the cat off your lap the car will swerve off the road and wrap several meters of fence around itself.

Canadian Girl said...

Oh, Kim, I hope your brother was OK! I assume the car was not. Thankfully the only damages inflicted at my place were the red mark on my hand from the hot coffee, the small puncture marks on my thigh from the cat's claws and the extra laundry created from the splashed coffee on my skirt.

SeaSpray said...

Funny! Well unless the coffee spills. :)

Canadian Girl said...

SeaSpray: Yes, the coffee spilled, but only a bit and most of it was absorbed by my skirt and didn't burn me. Just a wee spot on my hand. Serves me right. At least it didn't land on the kitty!